Sunday, November 23, 2014

General grammar exercise

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word or phrase. This grammar exercise tests your understanding of basic grammar rules.

1. Get your big feet ……………………… my flowers.
a) of
b) off
c) from

2. We need three meters ………………………… the windows.
a) between
b) among
c) Either could be used here

3. There is something ……………………. the piano.
a) under
b) underneath
c) Either could be used here

4. I had to get up …………………….
a) in the night
b) at the night

5. I can run 400 meters …………………… about one minute.
a) in
b) for
c) Either could be used here

6. I am at home ………………………
a) every evening
b) on every evening

7. Don’t forget to signal when …………………………. right.
a) turning
b) you are turning
c) Either could be used here

8. Life would be more peaceful without …………………………
a) the phone
b) phone
c) Either could be used here

9. Try ……………….. something.
a) to speak
b) and speak
c) Either could be used here

10. You have eaten ………………………..
a) all a loaf
b) a whole loaf
c) Either could be used here

1. Get your big feet off my flowers.
2. We need three meters between the windows.
3. There is something under/underneath the piano.
4. I had to get up in the night.
5. I can run 400 meters in about one minute.
6. I am at home every evening.
7. Don’t forget to signal when turning/you are turning right.
8. Life would be more peaceful without the phone.
9. Try to speak/and speak something.
10. You have eaten a whole loaf.


Sentence synthesis exercise

Combine the following sentences using an appropriate conjunction.

1. He is snobbish. I like him.
2. My mother attended the wedding. My father attended the wedding.
3. He has walked five miles. It is possible that he is tired.
4. I went to the shop. I bought a watch.
5. You must be quiet. You must leave the room.
6. The prisoner fell down on his knees. He begged for mercy.
7. I left home early. I could not get to work on time.
8. Azim works hard. Kabir works harder.
9. You must start at once. You will be late.
10. You are not interested in this offer. I know it.


1. Though he is snobbish, I like him.
2. Both my mother and father attended the wedding. / Both my parents attended the wedding.
3. He has walked five miles, so he must be tired. / He must be tired because he has walked five miles.
4. I went to the shop and bought a watch.
5. You must be quiet or you must leave the room.
6. The prisoner fell down on his knees and begged for mercy.
7. Though / although I left home early, I could not get to work on time.
8. Azim works hard but Kabir works harder. / Kabir works harder than Azim.
9. You must start at once or you will be late.
10. I know that you are not interested in this offer.


Direct and indirect speech exercise

A sentence has been given in direct speech. Out of the four alternatives, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in indirect speech.

1. Rahul asked me, ‘Did you see the cricket match on TV last night?’
a) Rahul asked me if I had seen the cricket match on TV the previous night.
b) Rahul asked me if I saw the cricket match on TV the previous night.
c) Rahul asked me did I see the cricket match on TV last night.
d) Rahul asked me whether I had seen the cricket match on TV last night.

2. James said to his mother, ‘I am leaving for New York tomorrow.’
a) James told his mother that he was leaving for New York tomorrow.
b) James told his mother he is leaving for New York tomorrow.
c) James told his mother that he was leaving for New York the next day.
d) James told his mother he would be leaving for New York the next day.

3. I said to him, ‘Why don’t you work hard?’
a) I asked him why didn’t you work hard.
b) I asked him why he didn’t work hard.
c) I asked him why he wouldn’t work hard.
d) I asked him why he wasn’t working hard.

4. He said to her, ‘What a hot day!’
a) He exclaimed sorrowfully that it was hot day.
b) He told her that it was a hot day.
c) He exclaimed that it was a hot day.
d) He said that it was a hot day.

5. The priest said, ‘Be quiet and listen to my words.’
a) The priest said them to be quiet and listen to his words.
b) The priest told them that they should be quiet and listen to his words.
c) The priest urged them to be quiet and to listen to his words.
d) The priest said they should be quiet and listen to him.


1. a) Rahul asked me if I had seen the cricket match on TV the previous night.
2. c) James told his mother that he was leaving for New York the next day.
3. b) I asked him why he didn’t work hard.
4. c) He exclaimed that it was a hot day.

5. c) The priest urged them to be quiet and to listen to his words.

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercise

Turn the following sentences into indirect speech.
1.    ‘What do you want?’ she asked him.
2.    ‘Are you coming with us?’ he asked me.
3.    He asked, ‘When do you intend to make the payment?’
4.    ‘Do you come from China?’ said the prince to the girl.
5.    The poor man exclaimed, ‘Will none of you help me?’
6.    ‘Which way should I go?’ asked the little girl.
7.    Alladin said to the magician, ‘What have I done to deserve so severe a punishment?’
8.    ‘Don’t you know the way home?’ I said to her.
9.    ‘Do you write a good hand?’ the teacher said to the student.
10.    ‘Have you anything to say on behalf of the accused?’ said the judge finally.
11.    ‘Have you anything to tell me, little bird?’ asked Ulysses.
12.    ‘Who are you, sir, and what do you want?’ they asked.
13.    The king was impressed with the magician and asked, ‘What can I do for you?’
14.    She asked, ‘What is it that makes you stronger and braver than other men?’
15.    ‘Can you solve this problem?’ he asked me.
1.    She asked him what he wanted.
2.    He asked me if I was coming/going with them.
3.    He enquired when I/he/she intended to make the payment.
4.    The prince asked the girl if she came from China.
5.    The poor man exclaimed whether none of them would help him.
6.    The little girl asked which way she should go.
7.    Alladin asked the magician what he had done to deserve so severe a punishment.
8.    I asked her whether she did not know the way home.
9.    The teacher asked the student if he/she wrote a good hand.
10.    The judge finally asked whether he/she had anything to say on behalf of the accused.
11.    Ulysses asked the little bird whether it had anything to tell him.
12.    They asked who he was and what he wanted.
13.    The king was impressed with the magician and asked what he could do for him.
14.    She asked him what was it that made him stronger and braver than other men.
15.    He asked me if I could solve that problem.