Monday, March 18, 2013

In pigment system II, active chlorophyll is P680

1.For photosynthesis (i.e. for the suynthesis of organic matter), the green plants need only (AFMC 1987)
(a) Light
(b) Chlorophyll
(c) CO2
(d) All of these
Answer: (d)

2.For synthesis of a molecule of glucose, the requirement of ATP and NADPH is respectively
(a) 15 and 10
(b) 33 and 22
(c) 12 and 8
(d) 18 and 12
Answer: (d)

3.Formation of ATP in photosynthesis and respiration is an oxidation process which utilizes the energy from
(a) Cytochromes
(b) Ferredoxin
(c) Electrons
(d) Carbon dioxide
Answer: (c)

4.Grana refer to (BHU 1984)
(a) Stacks of thylakoids in plastids of higher plants
(b) A constant in quantum equation
(c) Glycolysis of glucose
(d) By-product of photosynthesis
Answer: (a)

5.Greatest producers of organic matter are
(a) Crop plants
(b) Forests
(c) Plants of the land area
(d) Phytoplankton of oceans
Answer: (d)

6.Hill’s reaction takes place in  (CPMT 1986)
(a) Dark
(b) Light
(c) Dark and light both
(d) At any time
Answer: (b)

7.How many Calvin cycles form one hexose molecule (CBSE 1996)
(a) 2
(b) 6
(c) 4
(d) 8
Answer: (b)

8.In a electron transport chain in terminal oxidation the cytochrome which donates electrons to O2 is (CPMT 1990)
(a) Cytochrome b
(b) Cytochrome c
(c) Cytochrome a3
(d) Cytochrome a
Answer: (c)

9.In bacterial photosynthesis, the hydrogen donor is
(a) H2O
(b) H2SO4
(c) NH3
(d) H2S
Answer: (d)

10.In blue-green algae photosystem-II contain an important pigment concerned with photolysis of water it is called (BHU 1989, 90)
(a) B earotene
(b) Chlorophyll’ b’
(c) Cytochrome ‘c’
(d) Phycocyanin
Answer: (d)

11.In C3 plants first stable product of photosynthesis during dark reactions is
(a) PGA
(b) PGAL
(c) RuBP
(d) Oxalo acetic acid
Answer: (a)

12.In C4 pathway or C4 photosynthesis carbobn dioxide fication occures in chloroplast of
(Delhi PMT 1985; CBSE 1995; MP PMT 1997)
(a) Palisade tissue
(b) Spongy mesophyll
(c) Bundle sheath
(d) Guard cells
Answer: (b)

13.In C4 plants, Calvin cycle operates in
(a) Stroma of bundle sheath chloroplasts
(b) Grana of Bundle sheath chloroplasts
(c) Grana of mesophyll chloroplasts
(d) Stroma od mesophyll chloraplasts
Answer: (a)

14.In C4 plants, initial carbondioxide fixation occurs on chloroplasts of
(a) Palisade tissue
(b) Spongy parnchyma
(c) Guard cells
(d) Hypodermis and chlorenchyma
Answer: (b)

15.In C4 plants, synthesis of sugars/ final CO2 fixation occurs in
(a) Palisade cells
(b) Spongy cells
(c) Undifferentiated mesophyll cells
(d) Bundle sheath cells
Answer: (d)

16.In case of C4 pathway
(a) CO2  combines with PGA
(b) CO2 combines with PEP
(c) CO2 first combines with RuBP
(d) CO2 combines with RMP
Answer: (b)

17.In chlorophyll ‘a’, third carbon of second pyroll ring is attached with (CBSE 1996)
(a) Carboxyl group
(b) Magnesium
(c) Methyl group
(d) Aldehyde group
Answer: (c)

18.In normal chloroplast, the percentage of chlorophyll is
(a) 50%
(b) 75%
(c) 5-10%
(d) 95%
Answer: (c)

19.In photosynthesis, oxygen is liberated due to
(Delhi PMT 1983; MP PAT 1995; MP PMT 1999)
(a) Reduction of carbon dioxide
(b) Hydrolysis os carbohydrate
(c) Photolysis of water
(d) Breakdown of chlorophyll
Answer: (c)

20.In pigment system II, active chlorophyll is
(a) P680
(b) P700
(c) P673
(d) P720
Answer: (a)

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