Sunday, March 10, 2013

Nitrogen fixation is Nitrogen - Ammonia

1.Major glycoside present in leaf juice of Aloe vera is
(a) Emodin
(b) Aloe emodin
(c) Barbaloin
(d) Aloin
Answer: (c)

2.Most famous nitrogen fixing bacterium / biofertililzer is
(a) Nitrobacter
(b) Nitrosomonas
(c) Nitrococcus
(d) Rhizobium
Answer: (d)

3.Most suitable fertilizer of paddy fields is
(a) Mycorrhiza
(b) Azotobacter and clostridium
(c) Symbiotic and nonsymbiotic cyanobacteria
(d) Rhizobium
Answer: (c)

4.Mushroom cultivation consists of steps
(a) Spawning - composting - Harvesting - casing
(b) Casing - composting - harvesting - Spawning
(c) Cropping - casing - Spawning - composting
(d) Composting - Spawning - Casing - harvesting
Answer: (d)

5.Mycorrhiza is helpful in
(a) Synthesis of food
(b) Getting nutrients from soil
(c) Providing resistance against different regulators
(d) Increase the fertility of soil
Answer: (b)

6.Mycorrhiza is symbiotic association between
(a) Fungus and gymnosperm stem
(b) Fungus with angiosperm leaves
(c) Fungus with legume fruits
(d) Fungus with Gymnosperm and angiosperm roots
Answer: (d)

7.Nitrogen fixation is
(a) Nitrogen - Ammonia
(b) Nitrogen - Nitrates
(c) Nitrogen - Amino acids
(d) Both A and B
Answer: (d)

8.Ocimum sanctum belongs to the family
(a) Meliaceae
(b) Acanthaceae
(c) Liliaceae
(d) Lamiaceae
Answer: (d)

9.Red pigment (leghaemoglobin) having affinity for oxygen is present in the roots of
(a) Mustard
(b) Soyabean
(c) Carrot
(d) Radish
Answer: (b)

10.Rhizobium induced root nodules are internally pinkish due to
(a) Carotene
(b) Leghaemoglobin
(c) Haemoglobin
(d) Xanthophyll
Answer: (b)

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