Monday, March 18, 2013

NADP is reduced to NADPH in Noncyclic photophosphorylation

1.In which of the following the rate of photosynthesis is decreased and is known as red drop (MP PMT 1992)
(a) Blue light
(b) Green light
(c) Red light more than 680 nm
(d) Red light less than 680 nm
Answer: (c)

2.Intact chloroplast from green leaves cab be isolated by (AIIMS 1990)
(a) Acetone
(b) Ethanol
(c) Alcohol
(d) Sugar solution
Answer: (a)

3.Isotopes employed to study photosynthesis are
(a) 11C and 32P
(b) 15C and 32P
(c) 16C and 15O
(d) 14C and 18O
Answer: (d)

4.Isotopes popularly known to have been used in the study of photosynthesis are (BHU 1985)
(a) C14 and O18
(b) C11 and C32
(c) C16 and N15
(d) P32 and C15
Answer: (a)

5.Kranz anatomy is typical of
(a) C4 plants
(b) C3 plants
(c) C2 plants
(d) CAM plants
Answer: (a)

6.Light energy is conveted into chemical energy in the presence of (MP PMT 1994)
(a) Pyrenoids
(b) Chloroplasts
(c) Ribosomes
(d) Mesosomes
Answer: (b)

7.Light is necessary during photosynthesis for
(NCERT 1978)
(a) Evolution of hydrogen
(b) Photolysis of water
(c) Heating  
(d) Breakdown of chlorophyll
Answer: (b)

8.Maize, sugarcane and some other tropical plants have high efficiency of CO2 fixation because they operate
(a) Calvin cycle
(b) Hatch – Slack cycle
(c) TCA cycle
(d) PP pathway
Answer: (b)

9.Make suitable pair
(A) Emerson effect - (a) C4 cycle
(B) Hill reaction - (b) Photolysis
(C)   Calvin’s cycle - (c)     C3 cycle
(D)   Hatch and Slack cycle - (d)     Photosystem-I & II
(Rajasthan PMT 1997)
(a) Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd
(b) Aa, Bc, Cd Da
(c) Ac, Bd, Ca, Db
(d) Ad, Bb, Cc, Da
Answer: (d)

10.Most effective wavelength of light for photosynthesis is
(a) green
(b) Violet
(c) Red
(d) Yellow
Answer: (c)

11.NADP is reduced to NADPH in
(a) PSI
(b) PSII
(c) Calvin cycle
(d) Noncyclic photophosphorylation
Answer: (d)

12.Nine-tenth of all photosynthesis of world (85-90%) is carried out by
(a) Large trees with millions of branches and levess
(b) Algae of the ocean
(c) Chlorophyll containing ferns of the forest
(d) Scientist in the laboratories
Answer: (b)

13.Nobel prize was awarded to the scientist for discovering the pathway of carbon assimilation
(a) Watson
(b) Krebs
(c) Calvin
(d) Parnas
Answer: (c)

14.Number of calvin cycles required to generate a molecule of hexose is
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 8
Answer: (c)

15.One sixth part of the total PGAL produced is used for synthesis of
(a) Glucose
(b) RuBP
(c) RuMP
(d) DHAP
Answer: (a)

16.Oxidative phosphorylation occurs during the process of (MP PMT 1994, 98)
(a) Protein synthesis
(b) N2 fixation
(c) Respiration
(d) Transpiration
Answer: (b)

17.Oxygen containing carotenoids are
(a) Carotenes
(b) Xanthophylls
(c) Phycobilins
(d) Anthocyanins
Answer: (b)

18.Oxygen liberated during photosynthesis comes from
(a) CO2
(b) Glucose
(c) H2O
(d) Fructose
Answer: (c)

19.P700 is a special from of which pigment (Rajasthan PMT 1997)
(a) Chlorophyll-b
(b) Carotenes
(c) Chlorophyll-a
(d) Phycobilins
Answer: (c)

20.Path of dark reaction of photosynthesis was traced through the use of
(a) 32P
(b) 14CO2
(c) 18O2
(d) X-rays
Answer: (b)

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