Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The rate of diffusion of C3H8 and CO2 are the same because

xiii. The energy of activation of chemical reaction is 75.0 KJ mole-1 what will be its value in pressure of a positive catalyst?
§  53.3 KJ mole-1
§  76.9 KJ mole-1
§  87.6 KJ mole-1
§  109.1 KJ mole-1
xiv. The rate of diffusion of C3H8 and CO2 are the same because
§  They are gas
§  both contain carbon
§  their molecular mass are same
§  C3H8 is an organic compound
xv. The value of Kc is independent of
§  Initial concentration of reactants
§  Volume
§  Catalyst
§  Pressure
xvi. The reaction between an acid and an alcohol is called
§  Neutralization
§  Hydration
§  Hydrolysis
§  Dehydration
xvii. The solution which resists the changes in pH is called
§  Saturated Solution
§  Acidic Solution
§  Molar Solution
§  Buffer Solution

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