Sunday, March 10, 2013

Which is purely a capture type of fishery

1.Spawning of fishes is induced by injecting females with
(a) Progesterone
(b) Prostaglandin
(c) FSH and LH
(d) Estrogen
Answer: (c)

2.The chemical used for providing protection to vermibed from ants is
(a) Chloramphenicol
(b) Griseofulvin
(c) Chlorpyriophosphate
(d) DDT
Answer: (c)

3.The highly degraded organic matter rich in phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium in particular, resulting from the activity of earthworms is called
(a) Compost bedding
(b) Humus
(c) Worm casting
(d) Vermicompost
Answer: (d)

4.The most common old method of fish preservation is
(a) Chilling
(b) Sun drying
(c) Smoking
(d) Salting
Answer: (b)

5.The stage of fish when a mouth is absent
(a) Hatchling
(b) Fry
(c) Fingerling
(d) Spawn
Answer: (a)

6.Three carp fishes, Catla Labeo and Cirrhina, can be grown together in the same pond more economically as they have
(a) Positive interactions
(b) Commensalism
(c) Symbiosis
(d) No competition for food
Answer: (d)

7.Vermicompost is biofertilizer which is rich in
(a) Phosphorus
(b) Calcium
(c) Nitrogen
(d) All of the above
Answer: (d)

8.Which is purely a capture type of fishery
(a) Marine fishery
(b) Inland fishery
(c) Culture fishery
(d) Aquaculture
Answer: (a)

9.Which of the following is not a marine fish
(a) Bombay Duck
(b) Pomfret
(c) Labeo
(d) Mackeral
Answer: (c)

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