Sunday, March 10, 2013

Which one is used in cosmetics Aloe vera

1.Which is correct?
(a) Legumes fix nitrogen through bacteria in their leaves
(b) Legumes fix nitrogen through bacteria in their roots
(c) Legumes fix nitrogen independent of bacteria
(d) Legumes do not fix nitrogen
Answer: (b)

2.Which of the following can use molecular nitrogen as nutrient?
(a) Methanomonas
(b) Mucor
(c) Rhizobium
(d) Spirogyra
Answer: (c)

3.Which of the following is free living aerobic and nonphotosynthetic nitrogen fixing bacterium?
(a) Rhizobium
(b) Nostoc
(c) Azospirillum
(d) Azotobacter
Answer: (d)

4.Which one can help improve dental hygiene?
(a) Adulsa
(b) Neem
(c) Asparagus
(d) Ocimum
Answer: (b)

5.Which one is a biofertilizer?
(a) NPK mixture
(b) Rhizobia in legume roots
(c) Rhizobia in farmyard manure
(d) Green manure
Answer: (b)

6.Which one is an edible fungus
(a) Mucor
(b) Agaricus
(c) Penicillium
(d) Rhizopus
Answer: (b)

7.Which one is medicinally exploited in Adhatoda zeylanica ?
(a) Leaves
(b) Roots
(c) Flowers
(d) All the above
Answer: (d)

8.Which one is used in cosmetics
(a) Calotropis
(b) Costus speciosum
(c) Chlorophytum borivilium
(d) Aloe vera
Answer: (d)

9.Which one of the following is free living nitrogen fixing bacterium
(a) Azotobacter
(b) Anabaena azollae
(c) Pseudomonas
(d) Cyanobacterium
Answer: (a)

10.Which one of the following is used for external application in the cure of leprosy?
(a) Rice bran oil
(b) Neem seed oil
(c) Cotton seed oil
(d) Groundnut seed oi
Answer: (b)

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