Tuesday, January 11, 2011


• Palk Strait separates India from Sri Lanaka.
• Babul Mandab strait separates Arabia from Africa.
• Babel-Mandab strait leads into the Red Sea.
• Red sea is b/w Arabia and Africa.
• Davis Strait separates Greenland from Baffin Island.
• The Davis Strait lies between Canada and Greenland

• Messina strait separates Italy from Sicily.
• Johor strait separates Malaysia from Singapore.
• Bass Strait separates Australia from Tasmania.
• Florida Strait separates Cuba from Florida. It joins Atlantic Ocean with Gulf of Mexico.
• Dover strait separates England from France.
• Gibraltar Strait separates Spain and Africa and joins Mediterranean Sea with Atlantic Ocean.

• Torres Strait separates Australia and Papua New Guinea
• Bering Strait separates Asia from Africa and joins the Red Sea and Persian Gulf.
• Bosporus Strait connects Black Sea with the Sea of Marmora.
• Dardanelles strait (Turkey) joins Marmora sea with Aegean Sea.
• Malacca (Indonesia) strait separates Sumatra from Malay Peninsula. It is longest strait in the world.
• Mozambique strait is the broadest strait in the world. It is b/w Mozambique and Madagascar.
• Sunda strait separates Sumatra from Java Island.
• 40% of world oil passes through... Strait of Hormuz
• The gateway to the Gulf of Iran is Strait of Hormuz


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art said...

Malacca strait whic separates Sumatra from Malay Peninsula belongs to Malaysia! not Indonesia... It is the longest strait in the world.