No Questions Quiz 8 Answers
1 Joseph Lister - first operation antiseptic - 1867 on who His sister
2 What was Black Beauties original name Darkie
3 Who was the original Peeping Tom looking at Lady Godiva
4 What element is present in all organic compounds Carbon
5 What was Professor Moriarties first name James
6 Who was known as the Little Brown Saint Ghandi
7 Who rode a horse called Morengo Napoleon at Waterloo
8 A skulk is a group of which animals Foxes
9 Who defended World heavyweight title twice on same night in 1906 Tommy Burns – both
1st KOs
10 What part of an aircraft is the empennage Tail Unit
11 We know who wrote Little Women but who wrote Little Men Lousia May Alcott
12 Who was the Goddess of the rainbow Iris
13 In European city can you be jailed for not killing furry caterpillars Brussels
14 Who was Olive Oyls boyfriend - before Popeye Ham Gravy
15 Sienna law forbids women of what name from prostitution Maria
16 What do the letters MG stand for on cars Morris Garages
17 Who was the first actor to appear on cover of Time magazine Charlie Chaplin
18 Polyphemus was the leader of which group of mythical giants Cyclops
19 What does a pluviomoter measure Rainfall
20 Which game was illegal in Elizabethan England Bowls
21 What nationality was Oddjob Korean
22 What is a Knout Russian flogging whip
23 What language has the most words English
24 Which film star used to be a circus acrobat Burt Lancaster
25 The comma bacillus causes what disease Cholera
26 Which country invented Venetian Blinds Japan
27 What is a quadriga Roman 4 horse chariot
28 What is a brickfielder Hot SE Aussie wind
29 Pupik means belly button in what language Yiddish
30 What is the main ingredient in Borsch Beetroot
31 What was the name of Dr Dolittle’s Parrot Polynesia
32 What was the name of William Tells son (the apple head boy) Walter
33 Laika was the first ever dog to do what Go into space
34 Where could you spend a Markka Finland
35 What links a bick, throat, half swage, punching hole Anvil they are parts of
36 The Fagus is the Latin name of what type of tree Beech
37 If you have Chlorosis what colour does the skin go Green
38 The French say Bis - what word do the English use Encore
39 Of what are Karakul, Texel, Romney Marsh types Sheep
40 What is biltong Dried meat
41 What type of fish is Scomber Scombrus Mackerel
42 What are brick, fontina, port salut, quargel types of Cheese
43 In which country did the turnip originate Greece
44 Tchaikovsky died of which disease Cholera
45 Sam Barraclough owned which film star Lassie
46 Which animals can live longest without water Rats
47 Captain Hanson Gregory Crockett created what void in 1847 Hole in Doughnuts
48 Kaka means parrot in which language Maori
49 Who wrote A Town Like Alice Nevil Shute
50 Which fruit contains the most protein Avocado
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