provide these advantages because it assures “guaranteed rates and Stop-Loss”. That means that there will never be any additional requirement for funds as a result of a “gap” that causes you to surpass the Stop-Loss. See “20 issues you must consider” (Chapter 9) for more.
Trading online
The trading platform operates 24 hours a day just as the global Forex market runs around the clock.
However, many online Forex market makers require the download and installation of software specific to their own trading platform. Consequently, accessibility is limited to those terminals that have the software. Since Forex trading is borderless, and may be performed at any given time, it is obviously advantageous to have access to trading from as many locations as possible. The Easy-Forex™ Trading Platform is a fully web-based system, which means trading can be conducted from any computer connected to the internet. Traders are only required to log-in, ensure they have available funds to trade, or make new deposits, and commence trading.
The Trading Platform: real-time software
The main feature of any Forex trading platform is real time access to exchange rates, to deal and order making, to deposits and withdrawals, and to monitoring the status of positions and one’s account.
The Easy-Forex™ Trading Platform system uses web services to continuously fetch the most current exchange rates. The most recent data displays without the need for a page refresh. This includes account status screens such as “My Position”, which updates continually to reflect changes in rates and other real time elements.
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