Friday, March 15, 2013

Types of asexual reproduction found in hydra is

1.What is false?
(a) Menarche is beginning of menstruation
(b) Menstruation is shedding of endometrial lining
(c) Menopause occurs in the beginning of puberty
(d) Ovulation occurs under high tire of LH
Answer: (c)

2.Various parts of male urethra are
(a) Prostatic, bulbourethra and ejaculatory
(b) Prostatic, membranous and penile
(c) Corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum
(d) Prostatic, bulbourethal and glans
Answer: (b)

3.Types of asexual reproduction found in hydra is
(a) Sporulation
(b) Gemmule formation
(c) Bianry fission
(d) Budding
Answer: (d)
Type of cleavage that occurs in human zygote
(a) Holoblastic and equal
(b) Holoblastic and unequal
(c) Meroblastic
(d) Meroblastic and superficial
Answer: (b)

5.Twins joined in various regions are
(a) Fraternal twins
(b) Identical twins
(c) Siamese twins
(d) non-identical twins
Answer: (c)

6.Thick layer which immediately surrounds the ovum is
(a) Zona pellucida
(b) Membrana granulosa
(c) Corona radiata
(d) vitelline membrane
Answer: (a)

7.The single layer of germinal epithelium covering the ovary is composed of
(a) squamous cells
(b) cuboidal cells
(c) columnar cells
(d) none of the above
Answer: (b)
The shortest phase in menstrual cycle is
(a) Menstrual phase
(b) Secretory phase
(c) Ovulatory phase
(d) Proliferative phase
Answer: (c)

9.The sense organs are developed from
(a) ectoderm
(b) mesoderm
(c) endoderm
(d) different germ layers
Answer: (a)
The role of sertoli cells in spermatogenesis is
(a) they direct morphogenesis of sperms
(b) they provide nutrition to developing sperms
(c) both a and b
(d) they stimulate germinal epithelium
Answer: (c)

11.The role of Leydig cells is
(a) Nourishment of sperms
(b) Give motility to sperms
(c) Synthesize testosterone hormone
(d) Undergo spermatogenesis
Answer: (c)

12.The path, where male nucleus fuses with female pronucleus, is known as
(a) Fertilization path
(b) Penetration path
(c) Copulation path
(d) none of the above
Answer: (a)
The morula is formed during cleavage after
(a) 2 days of fertilization
(b) at the end of third day of fertilization
(c) 4 days after fertilization
(d) 7 days of fertilization
Answer: (b)

14.The membrane which holds ovary in position is called
(a) mesorchium
(b) mesovarium
(c) parietal peritoneum
(d) mesosalpinx
Answer: (b)
The lytic enzyme released by sperm is
(a) Acrosome
(b) Ligase
(c) Androgenase
(d) Hyalouronidase
Answer: (d)

16.The length of tube in the epididymis of a testis is
(a) 3 meters
(b)  meters
(c) 5 meters
(d) 6 meters
Answer: (d)

17.The internal cavity commonly formed by cell division prior to gastrulation is
(a) Enteron
(b) Blastopore
(c) Blastocoel
(d) Coelom
Answer: (c)
The hormone responsible for maintaining the pregnancy is
(a) LH
(b) FSH
(c) Progesterone
(d) Oestrogen
Answer: (c)

19.The head of mature mammalian sperm is made of
(a) An acrosome
(b) Elongated nucleus covered by acrosome
(c) Two centrioles and an aial filament
(d) Nucleus, acrosome, cytoplasm and mitochondrial sheath
Answer: (b)

20.The gravid phase of uterus is
(a) proliferative phase
(b) ovulatory phase
(c) secretary phase
(d) none of the above
Answer: (d)

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