Saturday, March 8, 2014


Rewrite the following sentences, improving the arrangement:-
1. For sale, piano, the property of a musician, with carved legs.
2. He tore up the tender letter which his mother had written him in a fit of peevish
3. The captain took the things which the gods provided with thankful good humour.
4. Sometimes you will see an alligator lying in the sunshine on the bank eight feet long.
5. All the courtiers told the Queen how beautiful she was all the day long.
6. Mrs. Jeremy Daud was sitting with her husband on the steps of the hotel when Amy
and Dulce came up, with her lap full of newspapers.
7. The man ought to be brought before a magistrate who utters such threats.
8. He visited the battlefield where Napoleon was defeated in his holidays.
9. He killed the sparrow which was eating some crumbs with a gun.
10. No magnanimous victor would treat those whom the fortune of war had put in his
power so cruelly.
11. The constable said that the prisoner seizing a bolster full of rage and fury had
knocked the prosecutor down.
12. A nurse maid is wanted for a baby about twenty years old.
13. I spent the three last days of my holiday in a chair with a swollen leg.
14. This monument has been erected to the memory of John Brown who was accidentally
shot by his brother as a mark of affection.
15. In thirty-seven wrecks only five lives were fortunately lost.
16. The following verses were written by a young man who has long since been dead for
his own amusement.
17. Many works must close if the strike lasts over the weekend owing to lack of fuel.
18. There will be a meeting of all boys who play cricket and football in the long room at
4 o’clock.
Rewrite the following sentences improving the arrangement;-
1. These acts were pushed through Parliament in spite of opposition with but little
2. The beaux of that day painted their faces as well as the women.
3. He saw countless number of the dead riding across the field of battle.
4. They only work when they have no money.
5. He refused to relieve the beggar with a frown on his face.
6. His body was found floating lifeless on the water at a short distance from where the
boat was upset by a fisherman.
7. He was very fond of her; he thought of marrying her more than once.
8. It is proposed to construct a bath for males 99 feet long.
9. One day the bird did not perform certain tricks which had thought it to his satisfaction.
10. I have lately received permission to print the following tale from the author's son.
11. They left the hotel where they had been staying in a motor-car.
12. The Board of Education has resolved to erect a building large enough to
accommodate 500 students three storeys high.
13. He spoke of the notion that the national debt might be repudiated with absolute
14. One of the combatants was unhurt, and the other sustained a wound in the arm of
no importance.
15. Girl wanted for telephone of nice manners and appearance.
16. He repeated the whole poem after he had read it only once with perfect accuracy.
17. He was shot by a secretary under notice to quit with whom he was finding fault very
fortunately without effect.
18. A clever judge would see whether a witness was deliberately lying a great deal better
than a stupid jury.
19. I was rather impressed by the manner of the orator than by his matter.
20. He was driving away from the church where he had been married in a coach and six.
21. Stories have been related of these animals which are of an entirely fictitious

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