Monday, March 18, 2013

Glycolysis is part of Both aerobic and anaerobic respiration

1.For their functioning, cytochromes possess
(a) Mg
(b) Fe
(c) Mn
(d) Na
Answer: (b)
2.Fructose 6 – phosphate is changed to fructose 1, 6-diphosphate by
(a) Phosphoglycerate
(b) Phosphatase
(c) Phosphofructo - kinase
(d) Enolase
Answer: (c)
3.General formula for aerobic respiration is
(a) 6CO2 + 6H2O ®C6H12O6 + 6O2
(b) C6H12O6 + 6O2® 6CO2 + 6H2O + 686 kcal
(c) C6H12O6 ® 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 2ATP
(d) C6H12O6® 2C3H6O3 + 2ATP
Answer: (b)
4.Glycolysis is
(a) C6H12O6 + 6O2® 6CO2 + 6H2O
(b) C6H12O6 + 6O2 ® 2C2H5OH + 2H2O
(c) C6H12O6® 2C3H4O3 + 4H
(d) C3H4O3 +NADH ® C2H5OH + CO2 + NAD+
Answer: (c)
5.Glycolysis is part of
(a) Only anaerobic respiration
(b) Krebs cycle
(c) Only aerobic respiration
(d) Both aerobic and anaerobic respiration
Answer: (d)
6.Heat energy of plants is measured in (MP PMT 1996)
(a) Grams
(b) Pounds
(c) Decibels
(d) Calories
Answer: (d)
7.How may ATP will be produced during the production of 1 molecule of acetyl CoA from 1 molecule of pyruvic acid (MP PMT 1996)
(a) 3 ATP
(b) 5 ATP
(c) 8 ATP
(d) 38 ATP
Answer: (a)
8.If carbon dioxide contents of the atmosphere is as high as 300 ppm (PM PMT 1989)
(a) All plants will be killed
(b) The plants would not grow properly
(c) Plants would grow for some times and then die
(d) The plant would thrive well
Answer: (d)
9.If the nacked pea seeds ae kept in four respiratory flasks, they would germinate best in the flask which contains (BHU 1982)
(a) Carbon dioxide
(b) Oxygen
(c) Hydrogen
(d) Nitrogen
Answer: (b)
10.In aerobic respiration, pyruvic acid is
(a) Broken down to form a two- carbon fragment and CO2
(b) A product of Krebs cycle
(c) Formed when oxygen is available
(d) Formed during protein breakdown
Answer: (a)
11.In animal cells, the first stage of glucose breakdown is
(a) Krebs cycle
(b) Glycolysis
(c) Oxidative phosphorylation
(d) E.T.C.
Answer: (b)
12.In fermenation, yeast secrets one of the following enzyme (PM PMT 1989)
(a) Invertase
(b) Zymase
(c) Dehydrogenase
(d) Anolase
Answer: (b)
13.In glycolysis ultimately (or end product of glycolysis is)
(a) Protein is converted into glucose
(b) Glucose is converted into glycogen
(c) Starch is converted into glucose
(d) Glucose is converted into pyruvic acid
Answer: (d)
14.In glycolysis, dehydration occurs during the formation of
(a) 3-PGA
(b) 2-PGA
(c) PEPA
(d) DHAP
Answer: (c)
15.In glycolysis, glucose splits onto compounds which are
(a) 5-C
(b) 4-C
(c) 2-C
(d) 3-C
Answer: (d)
16.In hexose monophosphate shunt, the number of CO2 molecules evolved is (AIIMS 1990)
(a) Same as in glycolysis
(b) Less than glycolysis
(c) More than glycolysis
(d) Much lesser than glycolysis
Answer: (c)
17.In how many steps, CO2 is released in aerobic respiration of pyruvic acid (MP PMT 1989)
(a) One
(b) Six
(c) Three
(d) Twelve
Answer: (c)
18.In Krebs cycle, dehydration of substrate occurs
(a) Once
(b) Twice
(c) Thrice
(d) Four times
Answer: (a)
19.In mitochondria, ATP formation occurs
(a) Over cristae
(b) Over outer membrane
(c) Inside matrix
(d) In intracristal space
Answer: (a)
20.In Opuntia, in night the R.Q. will be (CPMT 1986)
(a) One
(b) Less than one
(c) More than one
(d) Zero
Answer: (d)

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