Saturday, March 8, 2014


English Prefixes
A-, on, in; abed, aboard, ashore, ajar, asleep.
A-, out, from, arise, awake, alight.
Be-, by (sometimes intensive); beside, betimes, besmear, bedaub.
For-, thoroughly ; forbear, forgive.
Fore-, before ; forecast, foretell.
Gain-, against; gainsay.
In-, in ; income, inland, inlay.
Mis-, wrong, wrongly ; misdeed, mislead, misjudge.
Over-, above, beyond ; overflow, overcharge.
To-, this; to-day, to-night, to-morrow.
Un-, not; untrue, unkind, unholy.
Un-, to reverse an action ; untie, undo, unfold.
Under-, beneath, below ; undersell, undercharge, undergo, under ground.
With-, against, back ; withdraw, withhold, withstand.
Note:- There are only two prefixes of English origin that are still applied freely to new
words, mis and un, the former with the force of the adjective bad and the latter with the
force of a negative.
Latin Prefixes
Ab, (a, abs), from, away ; abuse, avert, abstract.
Ad (ac, af, ag, al, an, ap, ar, as, at, a), to; adjoin, accord, affect, aggrieve, allege,
announce, appoint, arrest, assign, attach, avail
Ambi (amb, am), on both sides, around; ambiguous, ambition, amputate.
Ante (anti, an), before; antedate, anticipate, ancestor.
Bene, well; benediction, benefit.
Bis, (bi, bin), twice, two; biscuit, bisect, binocular.
Circum (circu), around ; circumnavigate, circumference, circuit.
Con (col, com, cor) with, together; contend, collect, combine, correct.
Contra (counter), against; contradict, counteract, counterfeit.
De, down; descend, dethrone, depose.
Dis, (dif, di), apart; disjoin, differ, divide.
Demi, half ; demigod.
Ex (ef, e), out of; extract, effect, educe.
Extra, beyond, outside, of; extraordinary, extravagant.
In (il, im, ir, en, em), in, into; invade, illustrate, immerse, irrigate, enact, embrace.
In (il, im, ir), not; insecure, illegal, imprudent, irregular.
Inter (intro, enter), among, within; intervene, introduce, entertain.
Male (mal), ill, badly ; malevolent, malcontent.
Non, not; nonsense.
Ob (oc, of), the way of, against; object, occupy, offend.
Pen, almost; penultimate, peninsula.
Per (pel), through ; pervade, pellucid.
Post, after ; postscript, postdate, postpone.
Pre, before ; prefix, prevent, predict.
Preter, beyond ; preternatural.
Pro (por, pur), for; pronoun, portray, pursue.
Re, back, again ; reclaim, refund, renew, return.
Retro, backwards ; retrospect, retrograde.
Se (sed) ; apart; secede, separate, seduce, sedition.
Semi, half; semicircle, semicolon.
Sine, without; sinecure.
Sub (sue, suf, sug, sum, sup, sur, sus), under; subdue, succeed, suffer, suggest, summon,
support, surmount, sustain.
Subter, beneath ; subterfuge.
Super, above ; superfine, superfluous.
Trans, (tra, tres), across ; transmit, traverse, trespass.
Vice, in the place of; viceroy, vice-president.

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