Monday, February 25, 2013

Scientific studies of various fields A to D

acarology-- study of mites
accidence-- grammar book; science of inflections in grammar
aceology-- therapeutics
acology -- study of medical remedies
acoustics -- science of sound
adenology -- study of glands
aedoeology -- science of generative organs
aerobiology -- study of airborne organisms
aerodonetics-- science or study of gliding
aerodynamics -- dynamics of gases; science of movement in a flow of air or gas
bacteriology -- study of bacteria
balneology -- the science of the therapeutic use of baths
barodynamics-- science of the support and mechanics of bridges
barology-- study of gravitation
batology-- the study of brambles
bibliology-- study of books
bibliotics-- study of documents to determine authenticity
bioecology-- study of interaction of life in the environment
biology -- study of life
biometrics-- study of biological measurement
bionomics-- study of organisms interacting in their environments
botany-- study of plants
bromatology -- study of food
brontology -- scientific study of thunder
campanology-- the art of bell ringing
carcinology-- study of crabs and other crustaceans
cardiology-- study of the heart
caricology-- study of sedges
carpology -- study of fruit
cartography -- the science of making maps and globes
cartophily-- the hobby of collecting cigarette cards
castrametation -- the art of designing a camp
catacoustics--science of echoes or reflected sounds
catalactics-- science of commercial exchange
catechectics -- the art of teaching by question and answer
cetology -- study of whales and dolphins
chalcography-- the art of engraving on copper or brass
chalcotriptics-- art of taking rubbings from ornameDntal brasses
chaology -- the study of chaos or chaos theory
characterology -- study of development of character
chemistry-- study of properties of substances
chirocosmetics-- beautifying the hands; art of manicure
diabology-- study of devils
diagraphics-- art of making diagrams or drawings
dialectology -- study of dialects
dioptrics -- study of light refraction
diplomatics -- science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
diplomatology-- study of diplomats
docimology-- the art of assaying
dosiology-- the study of doses
dramaturgy -- art of producing and staging dramatic works

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