Sunday, November 14, 2010

Parallel Processing General Knowledge Quiz

The chances for parallelism are increased so much because of the availability of computer hardware for lower prices.

The performance and availability of the system can be enhanced by using multiple processors which can execute in parallel. This is not same as the superscalar processor which does the instruction level parallel execution.

Symmetric Multiprocessors and Clusters are the most common multiple processor organizations.

Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP): This is one of the earliest types of parallel organization. Here a common memory is shared by the multiple similar processors the same computer which are interconnected by a bus usually.

We cannot add processors beyond certain limit in order to increase the performance. So the more scalable organization of systems called clusters is developed

Clusters: Here multiple independent computers are grouped in a cooperative manner and makes the illusion of being one machine. Instead of sharing a common memory, each node has its own private main memory applications here.

These are generally used for supporting large work loads and in server applications. But these are complex, consume more power and occupy more space compared to SMP.

Non Uniform Memory Access (NUMA): This is a shared memory multiprocessor. Here the access time from a particular processor to a word in memory changes according to the location of the memory word

Super Computers Supercomputers are expensive with almost 10 to 15 million dollars and used for selected applications like research centers and government scientific agencies. They can perform floating point arithmetic on huge arrays of numbers with the capacity of doing millions of floating point.

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