Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dangrous Goods.

Dangrous Goods.
Dagrous goods are defines as those goods which meet the criteria of one or more of nine United Nations Hazrads classes and where applicable , to ne of three united nation Packing Groups according to the provisions.
Dangrous goods are classified into 09x classes in accordance to the optional risk associated with them while transporting by Air.

1.       Explosive
2.       Gasses
3.       Flammable Liquid
4.       Flammable Solid
5.       Oxidizing Substance and organic per Oxides
6.       Toxic and infectious Substance
7.       Radio Active Material
8.       Corrosive
9.       Miscellanea Dangerous Goods.

Dangerous Goods are divided into 03x Unite Nation Packing Group.
1.       UN Packing Group-I        (To Pack the items presenting High Danger)
2.       UN Packing Group-II       (To Pack the items presenting Medium Danger)
3.       UN Packing Group-III     (To Pack the items presenting Low Danger)

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