Thursday, November 7, 2013



Adjective is a word that modifies (gives more information about) a noun or pronoun.

For example, tall man, old house, red car. The words “tall, old, red” are adjectives which give more information about nouns “man, house, and car” in these examples.

More than one adjective can also be used for a single noun in sentence.
        The beautiful girl entered into the room.
        The tall, beautiful girl entered into the room.
        The tall, thin, beautiful girl entered into the room.
        The tall, thin, beautiful and intelligent girl entered into the room.

An adjective gives information about the colour, size, characteristic, quality, quantity or personal traits of a noun or pronoun.

 Some examples.
    White, red, black, green, purple, yellow, orange, brown, and black are adjectives because they mention the colour of noun or pronoun.
    Beautiful, pretty, ugly, thin, slim, fat, tall, and short are adjectives and they describe physical characteristic of a noun or pronoun.
    Intelligent, brave, courageous, determined, exuberant and diligent are adjective and they describe the personal traits of a noun or pronoun.

Use of adjective in sentence.

Adjective is used in sentence at two places depending upon the structure of sentence.
    Before noun
    After some verbs (After stative verbs like seem, look, be (when used as stative verb), feel etc)

 Use of adjective before noun (Examples)

      He ate a delicious mango.
      She bought a red car.
      A fat man was running in the street.
      I saw a cute baby.
      I don’t like hot tea.
      They live in a small home.
      Poor can’t afford expensive clothes.
      Severe headache and fever are symptoms of malaria.
      He is facing a difficult problem.

 Use of adjective after verbs.
Adjectives may be used after stative verbs (i.e. seem, look, sound, taste, appear, feel, be). Adjective are used after such verbs which behaves like stative verbs.
For example, Iron is hot
“Hot” is adjective in the above sentence which comes after “is” and “is” behaves like a stative verb in this sentence. “Hot” after verb “is” but it tells us about the noun (subject) “iron”

Your problem seems difficult.
That book was good.
This pizza tastes delicious.
The story sounds interesting.
He is stupid.
The man became angry.
She looks attractive.

Degrees of Adjectives and their use.

 There are three degrees of adjectives.

     1. Positive Adjective     2. Comparative Adjective         3. Superlative Adjective

 Some Examples:
Big     Bigger     Biggest
Great     Greater     Greatest
Short     Shorter     Shortest
Old     Older     Oldest
Large     Larger     Largest
Happy     Happier     Happiest
Lucky     Luckier     Luckiest
Heavy     Heavier     Heaviest
Beautiful     More beautiful     Most beautiful
Horrible     More horrible     Most horrible
Good     Better     Best
Bad     Worse     Worst
Little     Less     Least
Many     More     Most

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