Saturday, November 13, 2010

Questions for High School Students

Trivia is gaining importance, as well as popularity nowadays. Trivia questions for students can help them in increasing their general knowledge. Trivia questions for high school students can be from diverse fields of history, geography, economics, current affairs, general knowledge, music and sports. Apart from being informative, it can be a fun activity to arrange or participate in the trivia questions for high school. While arranging the session for trivia questions, you must know the answers of these questions also. Here are some of the sample trivia questions for high school students. You can design a questionnaire of yours with the reference of the questions given below. Read more on

Fun Trivia Questions for High School Students
Here are some of the trivia questions for high school students.

How many number of musicians constitute a big band? - ten

What is the meaning of the Italian word ‘adagio’? - slow

Which is the top selling album to sell more than 10 million copies of the album? - Garth Brooks

Which is the largest state in the United States of America?

Which song lasted longest on the charts for 19 weeks? - Hey Jude

Which famous document starts with ‘When in the course of human events…’? -

Who said these words - ‘I am the president of United States and I am not going to eat any more broccoli’. - George Bush

With what more is the gladiator armed along with a dagger and spear? - Net

Which single name is applied to Holy Roman Emperor Charles the Great? - Charlemagne

Which 20th century war was dubbed as ‘forgotten war’, even after 54,246 U.S. deaths? - Korean War


Dover is the capital of which state? - Delaware

Which Soviet dictator was training to be a priest when he turned to Marxism? -

Which were the two most popular rock operas of 1969? - Hair and Tommy

Which civil rights leader did Dorothy Parker leave her bulk of estate to? -

Read more on.

Which nation issued the five dollar bill which was found in the pocket of Abraham Lincoln, when he was shot? - The Confederate States of America

Which Junior High School musical was canceled in 1994 when Shinnecock Indians objected to the ‘Ug-a-wug’ song? - Peter Pan

Which Michael Jackson album spawned five chart-topping singles? - Bad

Which fruit was forbidden for Hawaiian women to eat by law? - Coconut

Which vehicle was invented to circumvent trench warfare? - Tank

Which jazz musician had got his pet name by shortening the name ‘Satchel Mouth’? - Louis Armstrong

What is the unit of measurement used to measure the height of horse? - Hands (1 Hand is equal to 4 inches)

Which is the highest waterfall in the world? - Angel Waterfall (around 1000 m)

Where was the sky city concept introduced for the first time? - Japan

Lake Tahoe has only one outlet, name the outlet? - Truckee River

Which is the world’s first national park? -, USA

What is Alaska’s second most populous city? - Fairbanks

Which U.S city is at the highest altitude above the sea level? - Santa Fe

Which is the lowest point on the land of the United States continent? - Death valley (California)

SLR is the abbreviation of what in the field of? - Single Lens Reflex camera

Which company is the largest producer of computer software for personal computers? - Microsoft

What does the abbreviation GUI stand for? - Graphical User Interface

Which element was discovered by the French chemists and Pierre Curie? - Radium

These were some of the trivia questions for high school students. With the help of these questions, you can design some other questions also. Lastly, all I would like to say is, enjoy the trivia and have fun

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