Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Interchange of Interrogative and Assertive Sentences

5. Interchange of Interrogative and Assertive Sentences
76. Study the following examples;-
1. What though we happen to be late?
It does not matter much though we happen to be late.
2. Why waste time in reading trash?
It is extremely foolish to waste time in reading trash.
3. Were we sent into the world simply to make money?
We were not sent into the world simply to make money.
4. How can man die better than facing fearful odds?
Man cannot die better than facing fearful odds.
5. When can their glory fade?
Their glory can never fade.
6. Was he not a villain to do such a deed?
He was a villain to do such a deed.
Exercise 66.
Transform the following sentences Into Assertive sentence:-
1. Who can touch pitch without being defiled?
2. Can any man by taking thought add a cubit to his stature?
3. What though the field be lost?
4. Is that the way a gentleman should behave?
5. Who does not know the owl?
6. Shall I ever forget those happy days?
7. Who is so wicked as to amuse himself with the infirmities of extreme old age?
8. Why waste time in this fruitless occupation?
9. Is this the kind of dress to wear in school?
10. Can you gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles?

Exercise 67.
Express the meaning of the following Assertions Questions:-
1. No one can be expected to submit for ever to injustice.
2. There is nothing better than a busy life.
3. Nowhere in the world will you find a fairer building than the Taj Mahal.
4. It is useless to offer bread to a man who is dying of thirst.
5. We could have done nothing without your help.
6. That was not an example to be followed.

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