Thursday, March 6, 2014

Exercise Simple sentence by using Prepositions with Nouns or Gerunds

Exercise 90.
Combine each set of sentences into one Simple sentence by using Prepositions with
Nouns or Gerunds:-
1. He attended to his duties. He earned promotion.
2. He must confess his fault. He may thus escape punishment.
3. He was ill last term. He was unable to attend school.
4. I forgave him his fault. That has not prevented him from repeating it.
5. The bugle sounded. The weary soldiers leapt to their feet.
6. The word of command will be given. You will then fire.
7. He set traps every night. He cleared his house of rats.
8. The judge gave his decision. The court listened silently.
9. He expects to obtain leave. He has already bought his steamer ticket.
10. He has a good record. It is impossible to suspect such a man.
11. Even a bird will defend its young ones. It then shows great courage.
12. There was a want of provisions. The garrison could hold out no longer.
13. You helped me. Otherwise I should have been drowned.
14. T have examined the statement. I find many errors in it.
15. He is free from disease. At least he appears to be so.
16. His son died. This gave him a shock. He never fully recovered from it
17. He took the law in his own hands. He was not justified in doing so.
18. It rained hard. The streets were flooded.
19. He made heroic efforts to succeed. He failed.
20. The weather is pleasant. It is a little cold however.
21. He was rude, I took no notice of it.
22. He has stolen the purse. There is no doubt about this.
23. She wants to marry a foreigner. Her father is opposed to this.
24. He entered the room with his hat on. His behaviour surprised me.
25. He got great honour. He saved the life of the Rajah.
26. There was an advertisement in the newspaper. His interest was aroused.
27. He amused us very much. He sang a funny song.
28. The prince was ill. The people heard of it. They crowded to the palace.
29. The prince recovered. The people received the news. They were very enthusiastic.
30. He makes a lot of money. He buys horses. He sells horses.
31. I saw a sowar. He had a lance in his hand. He had a sword by his side.
32. She stood there for hours. She did not move. She did not speak.
33. The discovery of his crime was a heavy blow. His reputation suffered. His business decreased.

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